

New Age Psychiatry offers licensed and certified psychiatric services through virtual telehealth appointments within the state of Florida.


Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is a chronic condition which presents as combination of symptoms including inability to focus, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. Adults are often first diagnosed with ADD in childhood however symptom presentation may change later for Attention Deficit Disorder in adults. Untreated attention deficit disorder in adults can lead to increased risk of substance abuse or impulse-based disorders such as gambling addiction for example; it might also cause an increase in anxiety symptoms or depression over the course of time without treatment. New Age Psychiatry understands the challenges Attention Deficit Disorder in adults can have in everyday life.

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Book today for depression telehealth treatment below or schedule a discovery call or read our depression blog post!


Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that can make it hard to fall asleep and stay asleep, even if you feel tired. Insomnia is a common psychiatric condition that can affect people of all ages. New Age Psychiatry in Fort Lauderdale, Florida has specialized training to provide comprehensive and compassionate telehealth services for people struggling with insomnia. We will help you to understand and diagnose your specific type of insomnia, pinpoint causes, and provide treatment methods for you.


Anxiety is a normal human feeling. It can be scary when it’s unexpected, and usually happens to people who are facing new situations or challenges that they’re not sure how to handle; this includes things like speaking in public, meeting someone for the first time at work, starting college classes despite being anxious about grades–the list goes on! The important thing though is knowing what anxiety feels like: nervousness/excitement coupled with fear/uneasiness. If you feel these feelings constantly (even if there isn’t anything going on), then we recommend getting professional help from our psychiatrist by telehealth so he can provide treatment options such as medication prescriptions based off your diagnosis of symptoms of anxiety.

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Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition that causes uncontrollable, persistent thoughts and/or behaviors that can severely interfere with your everyday life. Our team at New Age Psychiatry have specialized in treating OCD effectively by providing you treatment methods or medications to limit the severity of your symptoms.


Read more in our OCD blog post!

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In the case with ADHD treatment in adults, once ADHD is properly treated, comorbid depression symptoms and anxiety symptoms tend to improve. Book below or schedule a discovery call or read our anxiety blog post!

Binge-Eating Disorders

The team at New Age Psychiatry is committed to treating the whole person. It’s important for patients with eating disorders to have a proper diagnosis and treatment plan in order to overcome negative body image, unhealthy relationships with food, or other complications that happen like nutritional problems.

The team at New Age Psychiatry has specialized training in Binge-eating disorder which may stem from impulse related conditions such as Attention Deficit Disorder in adults . Individuals who struggle on their own behalf might find themselves preoccupied about weight loss/gain, disordered thoughts associated with food consumption, and feelings of guilt after overeating – all symptoms of binge-eating disorder. We are here to help and will always adhere to a non-judgmental and completely confidential treatment plan approach.

Read more on the impact of self-talk on mental health in our blog post here!

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Read more in our PTSD blog post!

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition that causes uncontrollable, persistent thoughts and/or behaviors that can severely interfere with your everyday life. Our team at New Age Psychiatry have specialized in treating OCD effectively by providing you treatment methods or medications to limit the severity of your symptoms.

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Holistic Life Coaching

We’re always striving to give you the best quality care. In order to do this we are now offering holistic life coaching sessions! If you’ve been struggling with any parts of your life, including work, relationships, or health over the past few months and have not seen progress in those areas-we want to help. Please reach out for more info on how our services can help improve your quality of life without pressing you for any medication! We look forward to getting started together soon. 🧘‍♂️

Read more on the impact of self-talk on mental health in our blog post here!

Specialized Counseling and Medication Management

All Visits Completely Virtual

Requests Completed Same or Next Business day

Out of Stock? – Pharmacy Change Service Available

Specialized Counseling and Medication Management

Holistic Life Coaching

Are you motivated to stop taking your benzodiazepines but feel like you physically can’t?
We can help. We’ll do it the right way over the course of months and provide you with up to 1 of hour weekly counseling. We will help you FEEL 🧘🏼‍♂️ your feelings again!
Each month = $349.99 regardless of treatment duration. Treatment will consist of a taper schedule planned with your psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner and 1 hourly weekly counseling sessions for anxiety management. More information can be found on our Medically Assisted Benzodiazepine Taper Program program overview blog post!


How can I help you today?

What conditions does New Age Psychiatry treat?
Common Psychiatric Medications
New Age Psychiatry Playlist
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Effectiveness of Telehealth in Psychiatry
Comparison of Psychiatry Pricing in Florida